
A new Powerhearth for the marketplace!

A new Powerhearth for the marketplace!
Bill Klein, 3i, October 6, 2009

3i (International Innovations Incorporated), the manufacturers of the world famous Powerhearth, an environmentally friendly biomass conversion system, proudly announce the availability of the Mini Powerhearth in sizes from 5 to 25 KWe. Please find several photographs on the Gasification List web site or contact us directly.


Wood Chippers and Crushers

Wood Chippers and Crushers in Wood Energy
Tekes, Finland for OPET - Organisations for the Promotion of Energy Technologies - February 2001


This study addresses the problem of converting underutilized reserves of biomass for use in wood energy, and cellulose to energy projects.

Developing technology for large-scale production of forest chips
Wood Energy Technology Programme 1999–2003

Pentti Hakkila, VTT Processes




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